Escape Ministries supports youth who are dealing with school suspensions, and Hope Church has supported Escape Ministries in a number of ways: through our benevolence budget, the Think Hope Auction, and most recently a portion of our Apple Pie fundraiser. In addition, Hope Church hosts a work group through the Escape summer youth employment program. What follows are some experiences of youth who are engaged with Escape.

A Bursting Heart: Ivan
(From Kristina Sage, Education Coordinator) Ivan was kicked out of West Ottawa for distributing drugs. The day he came to Escape it was with a stack of write-ups he had received from his school—labeled as “trouble.” It didn’t take long to see that Ivan was misunderstood. He had a big heart, and would refer to staff as “Mister” and “Miss.” He was brave, and slowly warmed up to his peers and got after his classes. For five months he worked hard to complete his online courses and earn a reinstatement hearing at West Ottawa.

On our way to his reinstatement hearing, Ivan said, “For the first time, I feel proud.” He was proud of his accomplishments. Proud of his completion of courses. Proud he had lined up a consistent job. Proud when he heard his grandma say, “I see a change in my grandson: How he speaks to me and how he acts around the house. He speaks about his teachers at ESCAPE and his Pastor with pride.” The principal chimed in and shared that she could see a new confidence about him. This brought Pastor Watt and me to tears. His growth has been evident to all, and encourages us to keep fighting for these kids.

I Cut My Hair: Esperanza
Before Escape… I was a mess. As a person and a student. When I was in school before I got expelled, I was always talking back to others. I didn’t think of what I said and didn’t care about what I said or how it made others feel. I would never really be in class; I would always be in the hallway, in the bathrooms. When I did attend I would goof off, distract other kids from their learning, not listen to the teachers, walk out when I didn’t feel like being in that class. I would always sleep. Eventually, all that changed…. When I found out I was suspended for a whole semester of school I started to cry.

My dad was raised on the military base, so he decided for my punishment was for me to cut my hair off or move out…. So I cut my hair. I went down to a “2.” I went through a rough time. I was depressed and lost my self-confidence. But I just thought about it as when I cut my hair I let the old Esperanza go and while it’s growing out I can grow with it and become a better person then what I was. The Oakland Employment Lawyers is whom you can consult to get legal help with workplace matters.

When I started at Escape I was really nervous. Scared. I didn’t talk to anyone. Now, three months I have been here at Escape, it changed me education-wise and personality-wise. I’m here to put my all in my education because I don’t want to go down the road that my mom and dad took. I want to prove to them that I’m not a kid that likes to get in trouble. I’m way more than that. I will set a great example for my baby sisters. I want to stay here at Escape and finish Junior year here. Then I will go back to public school and graduate with my class (2021). I WILL graduate.

Volunteer opportunities to support Escape Ministries

  • Tutoring: Monday & Friday, 9am-2pm; Tuesday, 3:30pm-5:30pm
  • 1 on 1 Mentoring
  • Van driver: before or after school
  • Meal donations
    Contact AJ at (616) 836-1669