Adult Education brings you opportunities for spiritual formation through biblical study and critical examination of cultural, social, and moral issues from a Christian perspective. Join us in the Commons on Sunday mornings from 9:40 to 10:40 a.m.

That Far? Why?
Four Hope Church members have recently traveled many miles to provide human services and participate in mission activities. They will each tell why they did so and what they experienced.

  • February 23 – Ann McKnight went 9,640 miles round trip to Bosnia, the complicated epicenter of Europe, the raw edge where East meets West. Ann works with the RCA via the Jericho Foundation in that very special place on our globe.
  • March 1 – Dan Fisher’s and Kay Hubbard’s adopted son David was born in Vietnam. In 2006 their family traveled to Vietnam to visit with David’s biological relatives, and to learn more about Vietnam and David’s first five years of life. They also began working with children, usually orphans, with HIV/AIDS in very desperate situations. They now work with children and their caretakers in HoChiMinh City, Tay Ninh province near the Cambodian border, and Tra Vinh province in the Mekong Delta region. Their talk will be a literary and photographic essay of connections with life and people in Vietnam.
  • March 8 – Sam Martin goes 14,320 miles to the village of Martinpur in the Province of Pakistan where Sam’s great grandparents were missionaries in the late 1800s.

Answering Tough Questions

Jim Brownson will lead a class for four weeks from March 15 through April 5, covering some of the material from his forthcoming book, tentatively entitled Answering Tough Questions, to be published by Eerdmans:

  • Politics: Why should I be a Christian when I find the political agenda of many Christians so offensive? Matthew 22
  • Other Religions: What makes Jesus any more important than Mohammed, Gandhi, or Buddha? John 1:1-18
  • Spirituality: I’m “spiritual but not religious,” meaning that I care about spiritual issues, but have no time or energy for religious practices. Romans 12
  • Atrocities: Why should I trust the Bible when it’s been used to justify atrocities throughout history? I Corinthians 5:9-13

Dr. Brownson will explore how the relevant biblical text both reframes and refocuses each question, and also begins to answer it. Come prepared to explore!