By Bruce Ten Haken, Creation Care Ministry member
Creation Care Ministry is planning a Low Carbon Sunday for April 19. We’re giving advance notice so we as a congregation can plan ways individually and collectively to reduce our carbon footprint. Whether we ride our bikes, walk, or carpool, every effort will contribute to reducing the carbon emissions we normally produce. Start forming a plan for worshiping together with an empty parking lot and a full sanctuary! More details will be provided as we approach the date in the bulletin and on the church website.

You’ll find more opportunities under the Caring for Creation heading on the information board in the Gathering Area. A few outdoor opportunities to be aware of at Ottawa County parks are cross-country ski lesson in February at Pigeon Creek Park; Moonlight Night Hike March 6; learning about the night sky March 7; and Wildlife Encounters March 21. Family fun to consider includes Fireside Story Time, Wonders of Winter, and Tot Time. Winter birding events happen throughout February, March, and April. Grab an Ottawa County Parks newsletter in the Gathering Area.