We of Hope Church are a Bread for the World covenant church; we have been allies of Bread’s  mission to relieve and end hunger since 2013 .  Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice, moved by God’s grace in Jesus Christ, urging our nation’s decision-makers to end hunger at home and abroad.  Our faithful advocacy makes a difference.  While 2019 was a tumultuous year marked by partisanship and intense disagreements, the 2019 Offering of Letters achieved victories despite the congressional gridlock.  Bread for the World drafted two Global Nutrition Resolutions (H.Res.189 and S.Res.260), which were introduced in the House and Senate. Each resolution passed out of their respective committees with broad, bipartisan support. Congress also increased funding for global nutrition for the second consecutive year—increasing the amount to $150 million. Finally, because of your faithful advocacy, about 190 members of Congress signed letters in support of robust funding for maternal and children nutrition programs in 2019.

Nearly half of all child deaths worldwide—that is, nearly 2.5 million preventable deaths of children under the age of 5 every year—are related to malnutrition.  Much larger numbers of young children—149 million, or nearly one in every four—are affected by chronic malnutrition.

Malnutrition should not claim young lives and damage children’s health and futures in our time—particularly on such an enormous scale.  The persistence of malnutrition is, at its core, an issue of global inequities as the majority of impacted families live in countries in South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Central America.

But there is good news!  We have the knowledge and tools to improve nutrition, and global nutrition programs have worked.  Peru, Ghana, and Kenya have rapidly reduced their rates of stunting (a sign that children have survived chronic malnutrition very early in life) since 2000.  Perhaps best of all: more than 16 million fewer children under the age of 5 are stunted today than in 2012.

Improved nutrition for women and children will allow countries to improve health overall, put more kids in school, and expand their own economic growth.  Bread for the World and its partners are asking Congress to provide $200 million for global nutrition in the fiscal year 2020 budget to jumpstart efforts to make faster progress on global nutrition and help the United States spur action from other partners.

Bread for the World’s 2020 Offering of Letters: Better Nutrition, Better Tomorrow is an opportunity to put your faith into action.  All children deserve the opportunity to live a healthy life and reach their full potential. Join us in making this opportunity a reality!

We will be offering our letters on June 7.  Look for our table in the gathering area before and after the service, and send your own letters to Congress!

Grace and peace, Tom Bultman & Tom Arendshorst