Enrich your Advent season by sharing Christmas cards by December 13 with members who will receive caroling. Decorated gift bags for each will be on pegboards in the vestibule off the parking lot entrance to collect your card contributions. The vestibule is open 9 am – 3 pm, Monday-Thursday.

Christmas Card Mailing List

LeVada Bombe
Ted & Shirley Bosch
Maxine DeBruyn
Dan DeGraaf
Jean DeWeert
Peggy Fitzgerald
Marjorie French
Michael Henry
Betty Hilldore
Stephanie Krom
Joan Lalley
Kay MacKenzie
Mary Martin
Justin & Stephanie Meyers
Rode Molla & Endrias Assen
Rae Pearson
Susan & Mark Rhoades
Connie Thornhill
Rowland & Jane Van Es
Phil Van Eyl
Josh & Nicoly Vis
Lila Vohlken
Joan & Lee Wenke