Hosted by Randy Smit and Rhonda Edgington

We are honored to welcome one of Hope Church’s resident poets to this month’s Poetry Corner: Sharon Arendshorst. “This poem was written in the spring of 2020, early in Michigan’s lockdown, during the discussion of essential workers. The poem written by Lucille Clifton, although written decades ago, speaks to the racial reality of today.”

Many writers have discussed feeling unable to write in these current times – when so much deserves our attention, and so many emotions are wrestling inside of us, so much uncertainty, pain, conflict, and grief swirling around as well. I thank Sharon for the inspiration these poems show us – that we don’t have to pen theological, political, or psychological treatises on the state of everything happening in our lives or the world. It can be enough to take one single moment (one photograph, one flower) and stay with that for as long as we need.
