Reclaiming Connection: A 40-Day Journey to Deeper Connection with Yourself, Others, and the Divine. Pastor Jill will be leading a weekly small group over Zoom that will get organized in mid-January on a day and time to be determined by those who register interest in the group. Pastor Jill shares this description of the group’s purpose: “This book teaches us how to live with an open mind, an open heart, and an open will. This is the soul work that can help us show up with much more resilience for the discomfort and visceral reactions that can derail our desire to engage justice work and relationship work and the stuff of making change… slowly… quickly… whatever the Spirit is making possible in that moment.” Books are available for pick up in the church vestibule which is open Mon-Thurs 9-3. You can make a donation to offset the cost of these books ($30) by mailing a check to the church with the memo: Reconciliation small group or by using the Donation button on the Hope Church website ( DonateHopeChurch/ with the memo: Reconnecting small group. Please use this link to register your interest in the group and to indicate meeting days/times that work for you: ReclaimingConnectionSmallGroup