I’d like your help with a sabbatical reading list. Actually, that’s misleading, because I have already pretty much filled my sabbatical reading list for next Fall. But I was thinking it could be interesting and fun to gather together a sabbatical reading list from all of you, FOR all of you. That is, I’d like to put together a Hope Church recommended reading list. And although I realize that all of you do not have sabbaticals next Fall (or in many cases, NEVER have a sabbatical, as some of you have good-naturedly pointed out to me ☺), it could be very helpful to have this kind of a reading list to draw on for this Fall and beyond.

So, here is my pre-sabbatical project for you:
*Put together the following list of books that you would recommend to others (you can tweak this list a bit, but I think this is a doable list to assemble):

  • 3 books on theology/spirituality
  • 3 novels
  • 3 biographies
  • 3 others (contemporary issues, poetry, history, humor)

* Send your list to me: gwiersma@hopechurchrca.org or to the church office – deadline is May 26.

The combined list will be published before my sabbatical this Fall. I’m thinking I will just list the books/titles (and not list who recommended each one), so don’t be shy!  If a few of you respond, then there will be a few books on the list; if hundreds of you respond, there will be hundreds of books on the list! – I think that the hundreds scenario would be a lot of fun!

And to start things off, here is my list:

gordons recommended reading list

That was difficult (hard to choose)! and fun! Now, work on your list! I look forward to seeing your recommendations…

Pastor Gordon