The Outreach and Hospitality Ministry seeks to reach out to visitors and non-members in the Holland community and to encourage their participation and membership in Hope Church. The ministry also works within Hope Church to foster a sense of warmth, openness, and hospitality that will enrich the life of the church and promotes interaction between members and visitors.

The Outreach and Hospitality Ministry lives out its mission in the following ways:

  • The Ministry plans and coordinates the New Member classes and confirmation activities.
  • Ministry members participate with the ministers at each meeting of the New Member Class, and provide food for the New Member luncheon with the Elders and New Member Reception.
  • The Ministry seeks to increase the congregation’s understanding and participation in the Room for All initiatives, developing appropriate activities and educational opportunities, such as The Shower of Stoles Project, and encouraging all to be that “open and affirming community of believers…(that) celebrates the gifts of all God’s people.”
  • Current disability needs and concerns in the congregation are reviewed and examined, strategies for meeting these needs are suggested and determined, and the congregation is provided with information and tools for responding to church attendees with appropriate thoughtfulness, care, and sensitivity.
  • Members oversee production of the Hope Church News and other media coverage. Current advertisement strategies are reviewed, new strategies are developed, and funds are provided for these strategies.
  • With other ministries, the Outreach and Hospitality Ministry continues to examine and implement strategies that meet the needs of and increase the participation of diverse populations in the life of Hope Church and the Hope Church neighborhood.
  • The Ministry coordinates the recruitment of greeters before each sanctuary service.
  • The Ministry schedules, defines, and reviews responsibilities of volunteers who staff the Welcome Center, and they review and assess available materials.
  • Participation is ongoing in the discussions and recommendations for the Discerning Our Future task force.
  • This Ministry coordinates the publication of a pictorial church directory every five years.
  • This Ministry provides resources for ongoing “Name Tag Sundays” on the Sundays when communion is served.
  • A budget is developed and recommended that responsibly reflects the expenses required to adequately carry out the ministry.
  • A conscious effort is made to examine the expanding vision of future contributions this Ministry can make to the life of Hope Church.

Upcoming events include the Youth Profession of Faith Reception on May 19 and the New Member Reception on June 2.

Anyone interested in supporting this ministry is encouraged to contact any of the Outreach and Hospitality Ministry members: Trish Gosselar, Audrianne Hill, Michael Kolk, Dee Dee Piers (chair), Jill Russell, Phil Tanis, Judy Vander Wilt, Anna Mae Vander Woude, and Jocelyn Van Heest.