What Really Goes On in the Chancel?
Many members and friends may not know that singing in the Chancel Choir is not just about singing. There’s a wonderful perspective gained from the Chancel and singing in the choir during any worship service: breathing, praying, rehearsing, repeating songs, staying organized, standing, reading music, listening, viewing the rose windows as nature’s light radiates, hearing a sermon or scripture passage without viewing the face of the leader, feeling the floor vibrate as the organ chamber sounds fully, feeling Jesus and his disciples near you (and not only from the wood sculpture presence), being ever so close to a guest musician during a musical moment, and lastly, hearing sounds from near and far forming the great praise and prayer of worship.
Rehearsals for the coming program year begin on Wednesday, September 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hope Church music room. For more information, contact Brian at BCarder@hopechurchrca.org.
Carillon Choir Invites New Players
The handbell choir will again be starting up in the fall, and is always looking for new players. We are a fun, relaxed group who enjoy getting together twice a month to make music, play occasionally in worship, and hear the melodious sounds of bells ringing up close! Some basic music reading skills are necessary, though no experience playing handbells is needed. We are a supportive group, who encourage one another in a no pressure environment. Rehearsals for the new program year begin on Wednesday, October 9. New members are always welcome. For more information, contact Rhonda at RhondaBSE@gmail.com.
Worshiping with In Harmony
In Harmony is a choir of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and straight singers with a goal of presenting music that enriches lives and affirms equality for all people while creating change by celebrating diversity through music and harmony. Their time of worship at Hope Church has been postponed until further notice. Please stay tuned!