Adult Ed Logo for webCaring for Creation presents

Low Carbon Diet
A 30 Day Program to Lose 5000 Pounds

Sundays, October 20–November 10
9:40 a.m.
Room 106

Climate change was barely on anyone’s radar screen twenty years ago. By 2006 it was a scientifically established phenomenon and worldwide discussion. Today the discussion has moved from response to survival.  There’s a growing recognition that it’s too late to stop the effects of excess CO2 in the atmosphere and that we need to focus on triage. The challenge is to stop the effect from becoming any worse and to adapt to the coming changes.

The need for response has never been greater. The reality, however, is less than adequate. The need for change is being denied, ignored, and unrecognized, and we lack a compelling model for change.  Despite what we know to be true, we can’t seem to launch a coordinated national program; something like the 1960’s space program, a national response to a clear and present danger. You may hear in all this the Biblical words of the apostle Paul, “The good that I should, I do not…” The “how to” is not in question; our situation is more about the “why to.” We are in the realm of change, the realm of spirit.

The Christian faith is particularly well suited for this moment in time. What moves in the hearts of people that will lead them to a better place? This is a conversation that should come naturally to Christian people. Recall your confession! Our very identity is forged in change; it’s not just theology, we really did move from a quagmire of lostness to life. We know how to do this.

Beginning October 20, Caring for Creation will present the Low Carbon Diet (LCD) as one of the avenues through which you can answer the questions, “What should I do? What does God expect of me?” LCD is a nationally recognized curriculum which teaches how to identify, quantify, and reduce your individual household’s energy consumption. It was developed by David Gershon in 2006 as a response to the issue of climate change. The material has been used widely, and in many places it has been used to organize entire communities. You’re invited to join us as we examine changing our household habits; not as a begrudging demand, but as a pathway to joy.

Peter Boogaart, Caring for Creation Coordinator

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