The floral arrangements in the chancel enhance our worship environment on Sundays. Thank you to all who have contributed to the flower fund by designating a Sunday in memory, honor, or celebration of a loved one or special flowersoccasion. Check the flower calendar in the Gathering Area and sign up for your special week. The 2014 calendar will be available soon. $50 is the amount for each week – make checks payable to Hope Church. You can make additional donations to the Worship Flower Fund if you wish. In the summer and fall months, Joyce Stempfly shares the beautiful flowers of her garden and we appreciate her artistry.  The other months of the year the chancel flowers are provided by Pat’s Flower Market in Holland.  On occasion, the flowers are taken from the church gardens and arranged by David VanHeest or he shares with the congregation one of his orchids that is in bloom. Many thanks to Joyce Teusink for overseeing the flower calendar and making arrangements for bulletin inserts and with the florists.