Compassionate Connection presents
Immortal Diamond: The Search for our True Self
by Richard Rohr

Thursday evenings 7- 8 PM
March 6 – April 10
Hope Church Garden Lounge

immortal diamond butterflyFacilitated by the Rev. Randy Smit, participants are invited to: be acquainted with the mystics, be re-enchanted with their own humanity, embrace paradox, explore communion practices, live authentically, live as Christ. There is a suggested donation of $60 that will contribute to the ministries of Compassionate Connection. Participants are encouraged to sign up by March 2 in the Gathering Area. All are welcome! Contact Randy with questions at

Imagine…making your way out to a Hermitage in the countryside. Space is created, you enter and enjoy it fully. Imagine the quiet and simple beauty of a place offered to you for retreat and renewal. There you become acquainted with a generous host and facilitator, we’ll call him father Richard. As your guide and friend through the Lenten season, he offers practices to help you deepen your connection with God and with yourself. He offers insights from his experience…evoking your cherished passions, inspiring new visions. You can open the Scriptures, be acquainted with the mystics, recapture a sense of enchantment with your own humanity, embrace paradox, reenter the Mystery of Love Incarnate, experience Communion. Your longing to blossom as a singular and beautiful creation, your desire to live as Christ — can meet. You can be found already home even as your step-by-step pilgrimage continues.

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