Adult Ed Logo for webThe Forgiving Victim: Theology of James Alison & Rene Girard

Led by Pastor Gordon Wiersma and Curtis Gruenler

March 16, 23, 30 & April 6, 13
Sundays, 9:40–10:40 a.m., Commons

In recent years Curtis Gruenler and Pastor Gordon Wiersma have read extensively, appreciated greatly, and dialogued enjoyably about the work of two contemporary theologians, Rene Girard and James Alison. Gordon focused on reading James Alison during his recent sabbatical (the work of James Alison is based on the theology of Rene Girard) and Curtis has been part of a group meeting with James Alison to develop a new curriculum for churches based on Alison’s theology. Believing there are important insights and rich gifts present in the theology of Girard and Alison, this course will summarize the main themes of their work and discuss the implications for faith and practice as individuals and as a church. Topics include:

March 16 – Imitation and Revelation: Human History Through a Resurrection Lens
March 23 – Atonement: Violence Unmasked and Life Revealed
March 30 – Christian Living: Undergoing God
April 6 – Worship & Prayer: Imitating Jesus
April 13 – Further discussion of the past 4 weeks!

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