The Bombe/Tofteland family is looking for loving temporary homes for their animals while they are out of the country. They are looking for one home for a dog and another for two cats.

Lilly is an 8-year-old Vizla, a rescued dog that has been part of the family for 5 years. She probably is not full bred Vizla as she is smaller than most of this breed, but has all of the markings and is truly a sweet dog. As with most Vizlas, she doesn’t bark. She has the energy of a puppy but is starting to show her age a bit with more periods of sleep. She enjoys exercise and typically runs with Michelle several times a week. She loves and is good with children.

Lilly and Josie are 13-year-old cats (yes, one shares a name with the dog). These cats are sisters and would prefer to stay together.   They are exclusively indoor cats and are happiest in a small space with windows to look outside. One is very skittish and prefers to be alone and the other enjoys sitting right beside you.

A four-bedroom, three-bath house is also available for rent during this period if anyone is looking for a temporary housing.

The best way to contact Michelle and Curt is via email at bombe [at]