
On Sunday, May 11, we will celebrate the Children’s Sabbath, a day when we as a congregation, promise to nurture and pray in support of the children of Hope Church. We want to celebrate them on this Sunday and everyday that follows.

The congregation will have the opportunity to select names of children to support and pray for in the coming year. The names of all the children in each church family will be included on the Prayer PALS (Prayers Always Lovingly Said) sheet. We hope that this will allow each child in a family to have a similar experience with their Prayer PALS . There will be more information and ideas on how you can convey to those children how important and valued they are by Hope Church. We will also provide cards that may be sent to the family to introduce the adult to the child(ren).

The children are an important and valuable part of our congregation as they share their joy and energy with each of us. Please note: the 4th and 5th graders will take part in the 11 a.m. service on May 11.

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