Save the Date–Saturday, October 1, 2011 for a Quiet Day Retreat  sponsored by the Hope Church Worship, Prayer and Spirituality Ministry. The day will include an introduction to the ancient practice of walking the labyrinth as a means of contemplative prayer.   Please plan to arrive between 9:00-9:15 for light breakfast fare and brief time for coffee, tea and introductions. The retreat will end at NOON. The location will be at the residence of Tom and Sharon Arendshorst. Maps will be provided upon registration. To register for this event, please call (392-7947) or e-mail and ask to be added to the list.
It is the hope of the planners that the weather will allow participants an opportunity to walk the labyrinth, and background information about labyrinths will be available for those who have not been introduced to this form of walking prayer. Weather permitting, there will also be an opportunity to engage with guided walking meditation in the natural setting of the dune forest. If rain prevents this group from outdoor roaming, exercises that introduce mandalas and journal writing will be available. Participants will be provided with time and space for reflective solitude and for some opportunities to listen and speak to one another.  This invitation is open to those who are not members of Hope Church or of any church. If you have a friend or co-worker, or if you know of someone who you think might enjoy or benefit from this opportunity, please extend this information to them.  (A donation of $5.00 will be happily accepted to help cover materials expenses.)