Connections Logo for web 2014-2015All classes are held at 9:40 AM in Commons I.

Creating health is a multidimensional process, combining physical, emotional, spiritual, nutritional, environmental spheres and more. This four part class is designed to further create an atmosphere of hope, health and healing in our church community. It will draw on contributions from several members of Hope Church. The class is taught/coordinated by Jean McFadden, retired professor of Social Work. Christ’s healings will frame the series.

  • November 2: The Healing Ministry of Jesus
    Pastor Jill Russell will consider the spiritual healings of Jesus, with emphasis on the compassion of his ministry. There will be discussion of spiritual and physical healing as seen in the light of scripture, and our own experience.
  • November 9: Mind Body and Spirit-Healing Energy
    Jean McFadden with Monica Krimendahl and Ann Anderson will examine the mind, body spirit connection. All models of healing involve some form of belief. A mini overview of Western medical models, and alternative models will be considered. Other cultural models acknowledge the energy in body and mind. There are many forms of healing, but all deal with energy in some form. Topics covered will be the effect of trauma on the body, yoga as a mental and physical discipline, and the impact of prayer shawls. All will consider the convergence of mind, body and spirit.
  • November 16: Creative Arts as a medium for Healing
    Jean McFadden with Rachelle Oppenhuizen and Maxine DeBruyn will explore the ways in which creativity creates a balance of mind, body and spirit. The religious symbolism of the circle will be a theme, as well as the place of creativity, the arts, and beauty in our churches as part of the healing atmosphere. There will be a brief demonstration of creativity for those who care to participate.
  • November 23: The Environment as a Source of Health and Healing – Bringing It All Together
    Peter Boogaart, Julia Brown and Donita Robards will present with Jean McFadden coordinating. We will examine environmental health, food for the spirit, and supports for caregivers. As individuals we will map sources of stress in our environments, and determine how we can add healing energy. How can we as a church community create an even more health-giving environment?
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