photo394On Friday evening, February 20, at Grace Episcopal Church, PFLAG Holland/Lakeshore will present a panel of representatives from six Holland churches to talk about where their denomination and congregation stand on inclusion of persons who are LGBTQ and what they are doing to welcome the LGBTQ population. Churches represented are Hope, Grace Episcopal, First Presbyterian, Peace Lutheran, Douglas United Church of Christ (UCC), and First United Methodist.  John Buttrey, a UCC retired minister, will be the panel moderator. The evening will start with a support group at 7:00 p.m. After a break for snacks at 8:00 p.m., the program will begin.  If you want to come only to hear the panel, feel free to come at 8:00 p.m.  Bring a snack to share.  Grace Episcopal Church is located at 555 Michigan Avenue, Holland.

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