EasterThis year the Easter Offering will help to replenish the Deacon’s Fund. The Deacon’s Fund is a special fund to assist those in need. There are a wide variety of needs that have been met this year, so our funds are down. We would like to be able to meet needs in the coming year as well, and that is why the Easter Offering will be designated for the Deacon’s Fund. If you cannot be here on Easter, you can still turn in the Easter Offering envelope before or after Easter. Also, at the beginning of each month there is a yellow envelope marked “Deacon’s Fund” in your envelope box. When money is put in one of the yellow envelopes, the money goes to the Deacon’s Fund instead of the General Fund (green). We appreciate your support throughout the year, but we especially give thanks for this Easter season, remembering to help others as we contemplate the miracle of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ.

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