eIMG_2265Our program year is nearing its conclusion. Students at Vanderbilt Charter Academy begin their Spring Break on March 29 and will not be returning to school until April 8. Since our last day of mentoring is May 3, that means Hope Church mentors will be meeting with their students no more than four more times this school year. Please pray with us that these sessions will be rewarding for both our Kids Hope students and their mentors. We pray that each will end the year together on a high note; one that recognizes the gifts that each has brought to their weekly visits. At times, we know that the weekly sessions have not brought the visible progress for which our mentors hope, but we trust that seeds have been planted and that faithfulness to the relationship has been observed. Pray with us that in time, our Kids Hope students will demonstrate that their caring relationships with our mentors and prayer partners have borne fruit.

~Anne Duinkerken & Barbara Joldersma, Hope Church Kids Hope Co-Directors