The Reconciliation Ministry is a relatively new ministry of Hope Church taking its focus from the scriptural statements that God intends the church to share in God’s ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18) in which we seek to follow Christ’s example of tearing down the dividing wall of hostility (Eph. 2:14) separating us from others. One major way in which the Reconciliation Ministry has sought to highlight this theme has been in the annual “Season of Reconciliation” at the beginning of each new year. Once again this year, our congregation was privileged to hear from individual members their experiences of reconciliation as they shared their stories during the 11:00 worship service. During these same Sundays a series of church school classes on the theme of white privilege also helped us to understand how we might work toward reconciliation in our society.

Another area sponsored by the Reconciliation Ministry is the work of Restorative Circles. Several members of the ministry are active themselves in this work, and many others have been trained to extend this practice into the community.

Other groups and events supported by the Reconciliation Ministry have included the Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance’s Summit on Race and Inclusion, the Holland Gay Pride event, and the local celebration of Juneteenth. This year the ministry will also support the prison ministry of “Shakespeare Behind Bars.” In addition, two members of the ministry participate in “Friends of JFON” (Justice for Our Neighbors), an organization related to the United Methodist Church supporting people needing assistance with immigration issues.

The members of the Reconciliation Ministry are: Tom Arendshorst, Laurie Baron, Virginia Beard, Jane Dickie, John Koch (co-chair), Earl Laman, Ann McKnight, Paul Smith (co-chair), and Brian Yurk. We welcome suggestions from the congregation for new areas we might explore to extend God’s reconciling love.

~Paul Smith, Reconciliation Ministry co-chair