Many of you are already familiar with the wonderful work of Eighth Day Farm, a local urban farm whose mission is to Love the earth, love our neighbors and love our food! The core of the farm is a seasonal vegetable CSA program that provides weekly shares and half-shares for individuals and families from early June through early November. Shares are still available if you’re interested – check out this link ( The farm also donates at least 10% of everything they grow to area food providers including the Community Action House, the Community Kitchen at Western Seminary and the Center for Women in Transition.


They are just wrapping up a Kickstarter campaign that will provide the resources to plant an urban orchard at their southside neighborhood location – the Growth Center – near Zion Lutheran Church (29th and Pine). As you’ll see if you watch the short video, they’re raising money to repaint the outside of the building and plant fruit trees, shrubs and other perennials in a small area of the property that was not being used for food production. These changes will enrich their CSA offerings and donations with the fruit and further beautify the neighborhood with the building improvements. To accomplish these projects, they set a Kickstarter goal of $4800, and already have raised over $5400 (Praise God!). But, as you may know, the farm operates on a shoestring budget and always has unexpected expenses, so they’d like to finish strong and raise even more! Please consider making a contribution…it will be much appreciated! Consider it as an Earth Day gift! The campaign ends in 2 days!