For the 10th year, Hope Church will serve as the host location for women mid-way through a day of volunteer service in the community. As in past years, Hope Church women area invited to participate!

Full details and links to registration are available online. You can volunteer for a morning work session, an afternoon work session or both; at noon, we’ll convene at Hope Church for lunch, fellowship, and fundraising raffle and auction.

The proceeds from the raffle and auction are designated this year for Nuestra Casa/The Gathering Place, a neighborhood center being made from a renovated house on 15th Street southwest of Hope Church. The Women’s Service Day team is partnering with New Community/Fourth Reformed Church, Good Samaritan Ministries, and Westcore Neighbors to make this dream a reality.

Because of the size of the project (in honor of our 10th anniversary of service!), the Women’s Service Day planning team can use some additional help:

  • Preparing (on Wednesday afternoon) and serving (Thursday noon) the lunch
  • Donating handmade items for the raffle or auction
  • Managing event sign-in, raffle and auction logistics
  • Coordinating with the multiple agencies and locations we’ll be working at that day
  • Requesting donations, organizing fundraising events, and applying for grants to fund the neighborhood center’s construction

While the October 6 event is by and for women, this project is bigger than the day; there will be opportunities for anyone to participate! If you’d like to be involved in support of Women’s Service Day or the neighborhood center development, contact Lois Maassen via e-mail, in person, or using the contact tab on this website.