Children ages 3 through those who have completed 2nd grade will leave the 10:00 AM worship service after the Word with the Children. This summer we will start by learning about God’s Family in ACTion. We will discover how God’s family grows, works, cares and welcomes others. We will be playing games, hearing God’s stories, singing songs, and doing activities together. The children will be done with their activities at the end of the worship service.

Our children dedicated their offerings to support the schools in Martinpur, Pakistan. These schools were named in honor of Dr. Samuel Martin, who was a United Presbyterian Church missionary there in the late 1890’s. He was also an ancestor of Sam Martin, a Hope Church member. We enjoyed knowing we had a connection to school children so far away.

Through their giving we are able to donate $400 which is enough to offer a day student scholarship and school supplies for one student for a year. Thanks for your help, children, in remembering to share what you have with others.

The Christian Education Ministry recently sent out a survey by email to all the families of Hope Church with children and youth. The survey will be used to collect the families’ thoughts and ideas regarding activities that are currently being offered and any input or suggestions for our future planning. There are also survey copies available in the office. Please take the time and complete these surveys or if you would prefer members of the ministry would love to speak with you directly. We value your assistance and look forward to working together to nurture your families.

The CIW leaders ask you to prayerfully consider joining them in the wonderful experience of worshipping with the children of Hope Church. The leadership schedule can be very flexible to match your availability. The Children in Worship program is an integral part of the nurturing of the children as they begin their faith journey. We are in need of storytellers, whether experienced or willing to learn, to help staff the current worship centers. It is a great way to meet and get to know the wonderful children in our faith community. If you have a Sunday a month, or a few consecutive weeks that you would be willing to be involved you can be of great service. You will be enriched as much if not more than the children themselves as you worship together. Thanks for your consideration.

~Jocelyn Van Heest, Children’s Ministry Director

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