blueberry-pieThe blueberry crop is bountiful this year and we are once again able to offer our luscious, handcrafted, blueberry pies for sale. Pies will be ready for pick-up on August 2. Proceeds this year will again support the Gift of Hope program of the Haiti Foundation Against Poverty which teaches women skills and provides income so that they can provide for themselves and their children. Products from the Gift of Hope program will be available for purchase on August 2 as well. The pie sale will also support a mission trip to Haiti scheduled for April 4-11, 2016. An order sheet clip board is on the blueberry table in the gathering area. You may also email orders to Ben Sikkink at The handcrafting will take place July 31 and August 1 and volunteers will be needed and appreciated. A sign up sheet for volunteers is on that table as well. Please order a pie! Please consider giving an hour or two or more to help make those wonderful blueberry pies a reality.

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