eIMG_2305As we look forward to the beginning of our Kids Hope program year, we are delighted to announce a new partnership with Third Reformed Church. With the blessing of Kids Hope USA, we will be working together to provide mentors, prayer partners and substitute mentors for the at-risk children of Vanderbilt.

The program at Third will be led by Beverley Rannow. Together we hope to substantially increase the numbers of children we are able to serve. If this is a ministry to which you feel called or for more information, please call Anne Duinkerken (550-2079) or Barb Joldersma (399-7319) or talk with Barb at the sign up table in the Gathering Area, September 13 or September 20.

Training for new mentors and substitute mentors is tentatively scheduled for the last week of September. Our work with at-risk children at Vanderbilt Charter Academy begins in October and ends just before Tulip Time. It would be wonderful NOT to have a waiting list of children this year. Please prayerfully consider mentoring a child. The at-risk children of Vanderbilt need YOU.

~Barbara Joldersma & Anne Duinkerken, Kids Hope USA Co-Directors