Happening Logo - Christian Ed6th and 7th Grade
Sundays, twice a month at 11:00 a.m. (leaving with Children in Worship)
The class follows Crossings, God’s Journey With Us, which is published by Logos Productions. Crossings uses eight key Biblical themes as a foundation and uses these themes to frame the larger Biblical story. This class is led by Beth Jarvis.

8th and 9th Grade: G.I.F.T.
Sundays at 9:40 a.m.
Youth Room
G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together) class is a focused time for participants to explore faith in God and their connection to the church and faith. Some might call G.I.F.T. a “confirmation class,” but this is a bit different. Some participants will be led to make profession of faith in Christ at Hope Church, but it’s not required. This class is a two-year experience led by Pastor Gordon Wiersma.

10th – 12th Grade: High Hopes “Unshowered”
2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 9:40 a.m.
Garden Lounge
This group meets with Pastor Jill Russell and Youth Ministry Director Beth Jarvis for Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. A three-year cycle leads each student through a year of thinking about their faith (theology), exploring how to live their faith in very practical terms (Christian practices), and how to sustain a lifelong commitment to study of God’s Word (Bible study). This one-hour gathering meets September through May.

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