Last month the Children in Worship leaders and the children began their very special time worshipping together. The leaders in each worship center have wonderful stories to tell the children each Sunday, and then the children have an opportunity to spend some time reflecting, and responding to the story they have heard. Please support and pray for the adults and children as they worship together. Visitors are always welcome to attend a worship center on a Sunday morning to worship with the children and to support their Children in Worship experience.

This year’s the children’s offerings will continue to be dedicated to supporting schools in Martinpur, Pakistan. This village was named after Dr. Samuel Martin, a Presbyterian missionary who was the great grandfather of Sam Martin, a member of our church and was integral in the education of the area’s children. Our children have been learning about the Martinpur schools and their students, including watching a very interesting video found on YouTube entitled “A day in the life of a child” by Saints without Borders. The children were very interested in how important education was to the Pakistan children and their families and the sacrifices the families made to have their children attend school. The students of Martinpur are included in our prayers in the worship centers.

During the summer months the children were learning about ways we can show that we are part of God’s Family and what that means to us. One way is to share what we have to others. The children decorated bags that were filled with all the fixings for helping a family celebrate a birthday in their home. The children choose a cake mix and frosting combination and also included birthday napkins, candles and a party blower for the honoree. The children learned that even the smallest of God’s children have an important role in God’s family.

Family Church School will be an opportunity for families to come together in any configuration to spend the class learning, sharing and growing together in their faith. On October 11, we will be learning and talking about the Sacrament of the Lord’s Table. What does that celebration represent to each of us? How do we talk about it as a family?Were there questions about World Communion Sunday? Leaders will be there to do the activities with the children whose parents are unable to participate. Make Christian Education a priority in your family’s life.

****Please put on Calendar****
October 11 Family Church School

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