A Deacons’ Fund Update from the Board of Deacons

Sometimes during the Christmas season we are so focused on our own families that we may forget those around us who may be struggling during this time because of losing a job, a home, a loved one, or their physical or emotional health. Some of these people come to our church office asking for help, and the pastors are glad to have a certain amount of money available for such times. It is called the Deacons’ Fund, and it is there because of your generosity.

This past year, we were able to use the funds to help provide counseling support for individuals who had inadequate or no insurance for this type of help. We also aided moves into more stable/better quality housing by helping with the costs of deposits and advance rent which often make such moves challenging for some folks. Then there are always those times when families just need a bit of a hand with groceries and expenses to get them over a slump.

The fund is replenished every two months by your donations–by using the yellow giving envelopes or simply writing Deacons’ Fund on your check so we know where to apply the gift. Such a simple act, but with such profound consequences! So hunt out your envelope box and grab the yellow one dated December 6, and share one more gift during this gift-giving season, to help make a difference in someone’s life.

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