On Monday, Dec. 14, at 11:30pm, Hope Church is hosting the first in what may become either a regular event, or the most bizarre irregularity that Holland has seen in some time.

Inspired by stories from Rhonda’s organist colleagues who have successfully used non-traditional concert atmospheres to interest non-traditional organ recital audiences (ie, young people) in organ music, and in collaboration with Andrew Spidahl and Hope Church’s 20/30 group, we will have a “Late Night Music and Lights” event.

This will involve contemporary organ music that has various influences from beyond classical music, some kind of interesting and evocative lighting, and a casual, non-stuffy concert environment where audiences members can feel comfortable to wander around, sit or lie where they like, or watch the organist! It is taking place during Hope College finals week, and is being billed on campus as a “Study Break”, complete with coffee from Lemonjellos and fresh doughnuts from Good Time Doughnuts at Midnight, when the concert ends. With a keyboard for music sequencer the music can be so much pleasant and an artist can explore many more possibilities.

While we don’t expect many in the audience from our usual Sunday morning crowd, any of you who are interested (and awake) are welcome to come down that evening and experience something a little different.

~Rhonda Edgington, Associate Director of Music and Organist

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