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Early Worship 8:30 am
Liturgical Worship 11 am

Witness to Reconciliation
Each Sunday at the 11 am service throughout the season of reconciliation, a member of our congregation is asked to speak to the notion of personal reconciliation in their own lives. Each will be given a few minutes during our time in worship. These stories have proven over the course of the years to be some of the most memorable and powerful aspects of the season of reconciliation.

Adult Education

Sundays, 9:40-10:40 am

  • January 10 – Lorilyn Wiering, Founder of the Red Cord Community
    Red Cord Community (RCC) provides soul care for anti-human trafficking advocates. Through holistic nurture, RCC empowers advocates of the marginalized and traumatized to become and remain participants in transformative community. There will also be an interactive art installation from RCC, “Red Ribbons”, installed at Hope Church in January.
  • January 17 – Charisse Mitchell, Executive Director of CWIT
    Hope Church has a long history supporting the Center for Women in Transition, both through financial support and the service of members on its board and as volunteers. Charisse Mitchell, the executive director of CWIT, will talk about violence against women in our community and how we, as individuals and a church community, can be part of the solution.
  • January 24 – Curt Tofteland, Shakespeare Behind Bars
    Shakespeare Behind Bars is a program which offers theatrical encounters with personal and social issues to incarcerated and postincarcerated adults and juveniles, allowing them to develop life skills that will ensure their successful reintegration into society.
  • January 31– Doug Tjapkes, Director of Humanity for Prisoners
    Humanity for Prisoners provides personal attention and advocacy for Michigan prisoners in a holistic effort focusing on the human virtue of all men and women regardless of their status in the criminal justice system.
  • February 7 – Sue Fleming and Reconciliation Ministry
    During the first half of this session, Sue Fleming will speak about her jail workshop ministry. The second half will be a summary session led by Reconciliation Ministry members. We will tie together the themes of the season with compelling issues surrounding the topics and questions to push our congregation through the rest of the year.
Discussion Group

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm -light supper provided
January 20, 27 & and February 3

On Jan. 20, we will discuss the book “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson. On Jan. 27, we will view a TEDTalk by Bryan Stevenson on the systemic injustice of the prison industry. On Feb. 3, we will have a speaker discuss the local situation of those impacted by the prison system. Copies of the book will be available at the beginning of January ($10) along with a sign up for the group in the gathering area.


Artist Joel Schoon-Tanis will be with Hope Church on January 24, 31, and February 7 to lead us in a creative process and create a collage together. On January 24, Joel will work with Early Worship at 8:30 am, 6th-12th grade Youth at a special all youth ed. hour at 9:40 am, and worship at 11:00 am. On January 31, Joel will work with Adult Education at 9:40 am, Children in Worship classes at 11:15 am, and those present at Pizza Sunday at 12:15 pm. The collage will be presented during 11:00 am worship on February 7.

Restorative Circles

Restorative Circles Facilitator Training
Thursday, February 4, 9am- 4pm
Friday, February 5, 9am- 4pm
Training for Restorative Circles has been a part of the Season of Reconciliation for the past 4 years. The mission of restorative circles melds easily with the message of reconciliation that is central to the season. This two day training is for anyone who is eager to support the creation of strong communities, families, work environments and congregations. You will learn how to communicate and collaborate during times of conflict or even just around different points of view. You will develop skills that can be put to practice immediately in informal ways and will also learn how to facilitate a formal restorative circle as well. For more information and to register go to or call the church office at 616-392-7947.

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