wIMG_2371January is National Mentoring Month! Along with others in a variety of programs across the nation, we wish to recognize the contributions of our mentors this January, but we also wish to recognize the prayer partners and substitute mentors without whose support, our mentors would not be able to make the impact they make in the lives of our Vanderbilt students.

Currently we have 13 committed mentors who are supported by 14 faithful prayer partners who are praying just for them and the child they mentor. We also have 11 substitute mentors who help us provide continuity by meeting with Kids Hope children when their personal mentor is unable to be there. Rounding out our program is a group of 8 dedicated unassigned prayer partners who pray for the Hope Church Kids Hope program as a whole.

Our Kids Hope mentors are Barb Blauw, Vern Boersma, Linda Cook, Peggy DeHaan, Clare Heyboer, Norma Killilea, Barb Knoops, Tim Pennings, Terry Pott, Vicki Rumpsa, Barb Schmitt, Dave Schmitt and Chad Stanley. Substitute mentors are Sharon Arendshorst, Dave Boelkins, Anne Duinkerken, Carole Hintz, Barbara Joldersma, Marilee Nieuwsma, Rachelle Oppenhuizen, Jane Schuyler, David Van Doorne, Marlin VanderWilt and Gordon Wiersma. Prayer Partners who are assigned to a specific mentor and child are Ann Anderson, Josh Bochniak, Randy Braaksma, Mary Buys, Jan Fike, Carole Hintz, Maggie Hollis, Stephanie Krom, Earl Laman, Judy Mastenbrook, Rachelle Oppenhuizen, Stan & Nancy Rock and Loretta Smith. Prayer Partners who pray for this ministry as a whole are JoAnne Brooks, Suzanne Buteyn, Helen DeWeerd, Ruth Hoekstra-Telgenhof, Char Laman, Kari Miller Fenwood, Jill Russell and Dorothy Sherburne.

We are grateful for each member of our Kids Hope team and very glad to be part of an organization which provides one out of every five mentors in the State of Michigan. If you have reached a point in your life where you would to actively participate in this ministry, please contact Anne Duinkerken or Barb Joldersma. We will happily provide you with the tools and training you need to join this ministry to at-risk children.

~Anne Duinkerken and Barbara Joldersma, Kids Hope USA Co-Directors