Brim Bunch will meet on February 25th at 6:00 pm. Steve Hemingway who wrote the book, “The Life and Letters of Paul Fried” will be the presenter of the program. Paul came to Hope College, a recent emigrant from Prague by way of England. Because of the Jewish ancestry of Fried’s family, his two brothers, his father and his mother died in the concentration camps of Germany’s Third Reich. After Paul’s sophomore year he joined the U.S. Army where he served in the Intelligence Corps. In 1945 he returned to college and after graduation proceeded to Harvard University where he received his MA degree. Then he was invited to serve as a translator for the Nurenberg War Trials. He earned a doctorate at Erlangen University. In 1953 he returned to Hope College and joined Hope Church. He chaired the History Department and initiated the Vienna Summer School program. He retired in 1984.

Hear about Paul Fried’s very interesting and productive life. The menu for the dinner is chicken and rice, a green salad, rolls and cherry dessert. Pay $8 at the door. It is helpful to make reservations when phoned or call Marilyn Cook. You are never too young to join us – bring a friend. The bus will run from Freedom Village and Warm Friend.

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