We see the light at the end of the tunnel–or at least at one turn in the tunnel! The first-phase construction is nearing its conclusion, which means that the new youth room, new nursery, and renovated Commons 1 and 2 will be available for use.

We’re looking for volunteers to

  • Prime walls in the nursery and youth room on Saturday, July 30 (note date change)
  • Clean the nursery and youth room when construction is finished, on August 13
  • Disassemble office furniture and move to basement, on August 19
  • Clean Commons 1 and 2 when construction is finished, on August 20

If you can help with any of those needs, please follow this link to an online form to provide your contact information, or contact the church office. On the form, you’ll also see a need for volunteers to help the church staff vacate their current offices, disassembling furniture for storage or disposal.

Next up: Completing the entrance canopy and parking lot, and then moving in to the renovation of the primary staff offices!

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