As part of the Beal Memorial Lecture series, Dr. Steven Bouma-Prediger, professor of religion at Hope College, will speak on September 27, at 7 p.m., at the First United Methodist Church. His presentation is called “Peacemaking in a Violent World: A Christian Perspective.”

Peacemaking in a Violent WorldJesus is called the Prince of Peace and yet many who claim to follow Jesus advocate war. The early church embraced pacifism, yet the church of the Middle Ages authorized crusades. What does it mean for a Christian to be a peacemaker?

A question and answer period and fellowship will follow the presentation, concluding at 9 p.m. You’re invited to attend and to extend the invitation to others.

The Beal Memorial Lecture series is sponsored as a community event by 27 local churches and organizations, including Hope Church. It is organized by the Peace with Justice team at the Holland First United Methodist Church.