Children’s Offering
The children are excited to once again use their offerings to support the schools in Martinpur, Pakistan. This village was named after Dr. Samuel Martin, a Presbyterian missionary who was the great-grandfather of Sam Martin, a member of our church and was integral in the education of the area’s children. This connection with the schools is a great reminder of how one person’s actions can build a strong base for continued growth and a wonderful witness to the world. The children will also be learning Urdu numbers as they count their offerings in the worship center. This is a fun connection to the students in the schools in Martinpur as we know that they are also learning about our numbers.

Throughout the year we will be encouraging the children to share their gifts of time, talents, and money. Sharing what we have is an important part of being faithful to God. The children will be reminded that the special gifts that God has given each of them should be used and valued by sharing with others.

Fall Festival for Church and Community Neighbors
Saturday, October 29
, 12-2pm – Ebenezer Church, 157 W. 10th Street
The Christian Education Ministry is partnering with 2 of our church neighbors, First United Methodist and Ebenezer Church for a Fall Festival at which children and festive adults are welcomed!  Costumes are optional, and there will be free food, games, crafts and outdoor activities.  Please plan to attend to enjoy the Festival with our Church and Community neighbors!

~Jocelyn Van Heest, Children’s Ministry Director

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