Health Ministry Logo with typeYour Body: Fantabulous “….awesomely and wonderfully made….”

A patron at a meat counter stared at some beef livers, said sourly, “I can’t stand to think that I’ve something like those just laying around inside my gut!” I should have said to him. “It’s not laying around, it’s quivering! All day! Every day! Lifelong!”

Not so you can feel it like an iphone set on “vibrate” in your pocket! However, if it didn’t, you- well, read on: “It’s a veritable ‘factory’ totally vital to survival as it supports all other organs of the body.”

But if the heart can claim, “I don’t get no respect!” – well, the liver can scream, “You just think I’m an ugly blob!- if you think of me at all!”

Let’s think about “it”.

“It” is the largest internal organ in the body (surprise!) Also, the largest gland (Thus a grand gland!) “It” weighs about 3 lbs (average) and is located in the upper right side of the abdomen under the right rib cage- through which pours 1500 milliliters per minute!

Why? Because “it” has wondrous double-barreled powers to take in and to put out. Like what?

“It” is like a control board for the stomach’s digestion, reading what is needed and sending apropos chemical tools for the job. “Its” bile surrounds, breaks down, separates and stores- super smart! “It” then warehouses many vitamins and minerals- plus non-functional energy/sugar- and changes them into functional entities upon demand- super-ready!

“Its” toughest job is to purify the body from harmful substances! “It” regulates the immune system’s response to foreign cells- and finds and kills immune cells- a real crusading detective! “It” seizes damaging toxins in various forms and old spent red blood cells and dumps them through the wall of the little intestine- a first-class garbologist!

More: “It” has self-regenerative powers when damaged or a portion is surgically removed, thus can be totally restored!

“It” quivers constantly to sustain daily living. Once again we come face-to-liver with the Creator’s evolved handiwork right within our own skin! Does “it” not ignite our awe and wonder? Provoke a gratitude that wants to respect even our blobby liver?

For “It” is vulnerable! – to a plethora of damaging influxes – mostly from what we allow or take into our bodies. Genetically inherited factors can be worked with, but damage control is heavily in our purvey.

Healthy livers have healthy livers- which can make us long livers.

~Earl Laman, Health Ministry member