Lunch & Learn-Energy Waste Reduction – Painlessly Improve Your Bottom Line (for Houses of Worship and Small Businesses): Dec. 5, 2016 – 11:45AM- 1:00PM at Hope Church: Enjoy lunch and take a tour of efficiency upgrades done at Hope Church and learn how you can cut your own energy waste. Michigan Interfaith Power & Light-in partnership with BPW, Hope College Sustainability Institute, and West Michigan Creation Care will present local case studies, upgrade suggestions, and information about rebates and alternative financing. Attendees will leave with a “Get Started” action sheet. Who should come? Anyone who owns or works at a small commercial business or are house of worship representatives who would like to learn how to easily reduce energy consumption and increase their bottom lines. There is also a chance to win a $50 credit for your congregation’s or small business’s energy bill. Event has no cost, but please RSVP at OR (616) 392-7947.

There will be another similar event on Dec. 6, 2016 at 7:30-8:30 AM at Western Theological Seminary, Holland: Please join us for breakfast and an entertaining, informative discussion about reducing energy waste to keep more of your money.  Michigan Interfaith Power & Light-in partnership with BPW, Hope College Sustainability Institute, and West Michigan Creation Care-will present local case studies, upgrade suggestions, and information about rebates and alternative financing.  Attendees will leave with a ” Get Started ” action tips sheet. Who should come? Anyone who owns or works at a small commercial business or are house of worship representatives who would like to learn how to easily reduce energy consumption and increase their bottom lines. There is also a chance to win a $50 credit for your congregation’s or small business’s energy bill. Event has no cost, but please RSVP OR (248) 537-9175

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