FINAL PICTURE“like living stones…be built into a spiritual house”
1 Peter 2:5

Renovations are well underway at Hope Church! So it seemed natural to wonder about themes for our ministry that have to do with building and foundations and cornerstones, which are actually quite common images in Scripture. And then we came across this image in a letter written to the early Church: “like living stones…be built into a spiritual house” 1 Peter 2:5. “Living Stones” – it’s an image that captures much of what is at stake in the renovation of our buildings and in this season of renewal in our ministry. The stones of our building tell a living story, the foundations from generations before and the new stones being added in this generation. The people of Hope Church tell a living story, each one a living stone that builds up our ministry into a house of worship, care, and service. It is Christ who is first called the Living Stone. This image invites us to see that the place and people of Hope Church are an expression of the life-giving presence of Christ, giving life to and through this community of faith.

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