We know that we are living in a desperate time for people in need. At the same time that poverty, income disparity, homelessness and especially hunger are widespread among our fellow citizens, President Trump and many in Congress are dismantling funding for programs that are a lifeline to hungry people in our own country and abroad.

We are a Bread for the World covenant church. Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision-makers to end hunger at home and around the globe. Bread researches and develops strategic legislative initiatives to prevent hunger –and then works year-round to convince our U.S. Senators and Representatives to support those measures. Over the past forty years Bread has become a leader in lobbying for this very special interest, and has been eminently successful.

On May 7 we at Hope Church will conduct our annual Offering of Letters, writing to urge our Congresspersons to support federal investment in the WIC and SNAP programs, tax credits for low-income workers, and international development assistance. These programs help millions of people escape from hunger. Personal letters do affect legislators. We’ll be set up on May 7 in the Gathering Area before and after church. Please join me in writing letters in support of hungry families and children.

~Tom Arendshorst, Hope Church member

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