Paige ConvisFriends,

It has been my joy this past semester…to be fed by many of you. I would like to thank those of you who have hosted me for “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.” The gift of food, hospitality, conversation, game playing and art and craft making was more than I could have imagined; for this I am very grateful!

As you know, my focus the past semester has been on pastoral care. I would like to share the opening to my theology of pastoral care with you:

Pastoral Care is like a dance. There is beauty, there is brokenness.  There are times when we are gliding across the floor with beauty and grace. Then there are the times when our feet hurt from all the work, we grow weary of experiencing the brokenness of the human plight. Pastoral Care is like a dance.

Thank you for the opportunity to enter into that dance of care with Hope Church. It has been a blessing for me to offer support to you and learn from you.

In the new semester my focus is on small group leadership. So look for several opportunities to support me in my learning as I dive into the area of small group leadership! I am looking forward to engaging the people of Hope Church in this new way!

Blessings in this New Year!
