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Dwelling Together in the Word

A new small group Bible study will begin Sunday, January 12 at 9:40 am in the Library. All are invited to join this eight-week series of immersion in the stories of scripture through  conversation, reflection, and prayer. Each week will follow a simple format that includes sharing, dialogue, and contemplation. Participants will be asked to commit to each other in regular attendance. The intention is for there to be several eight-week sessions during the year.

The first group, facilitated by Curtis Gruenler, will meet January 12–March 2. We will use materials called “Seeing the Word” that include beautiful images inspired by biblical texts (taken from the recent St. John’s Bible). Passages for this first series will include the parable of the sower and the seed, the Creation, images of wisdom as a woman, and the Transfiguration. Come hungry to commune with God and each other.

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