Advent 13 LOGODuring the last few months,  Dr. Lynn Japinga has been preaching and reflecting on the Biblical stories of some of the women of the Bible. Do you remember when she preached on the inclusion of the story of Tamar? Not only is Tamar mentioned in Genesis, but she is also recalled by Matthew in his gospel where he begins with a lineage of Jesus, starting with Abraham and concluding with Mary. Included in that list are at least five more women; hear their stories told by Hope Church women.

All classes meet at 9:40 a.m. in Commons I.

December 1
Lynn Japinga tells Bathsheba’s Story
Bathsheba was married to Uriah, a Hittite. She became the illegitimate mother of Solomon in this lineage.

December 15  
Jane Dickie tells Ruth’s Story
Ruth was a Moabitess and a widow of a Hebrew. She became the wife of Boaz and the mother of Obed, the father of Jesse, the father of David.

December 22  
Leanne VanDyk tells Rahab’s Story
Rahab was a prostitute in the city of Jericho who helped Hebrew spies investigate the weaknesses in the city. She became part of the line as the mother of Boaz by Salmon.

January 5  
Sharon Arendshorst tells Elizabeth’s and Mary’s Stories
Elizabeth was a cousin of Jesus and Mary was the mother of Jesus.

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