Sundays, 9:40-10:40 am

February 5 – Reconciliation Ministry Summary
Reconciliation Ministry will summarize classes presented in January: Holland Refugee Program update, Holland’s Youth Programs, Holland Equality Alliance, and Taking Root Ministries.

February 12 – 26
Suzanne McDonald, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Western Theological Seminary, will present a series of classes about the Protestant Reformation, which dates its beginning from 1517 when Martin Luther published his 95 theses calling for reforms of the Church.

  • February 12: We will focus on some Renaissance paintings and a woman’s will from 1508 to describe what it was like to be an ordinary Roman Catholic on the eve of the Reformation.
  • February 19: The Reformation introduced a variety of Protestant threads into the tapestry of the Christian Church. We’ll consider sources of this diversity.
  • February 26: The Reformation’s effects continue to influence the Christian Church to the present day. We’ll consider how and why they contribute to the vitality of the Christian faith.
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