Classes meet in Commons I on Sundays from 9:40 to 10:45am. They are free and are open to young people and adults.

March 3: Jim Brownson, James and Jean Cook Professor of New Testament at Western Theological Seminary, will teach about what the “Catechism on Marriage and Sexuality,” developed by the Regional Synod of the Great Lakes, includes and does not include. With some reservations expressed at General Synod 2018 about releasing this document before its being studied by the Commission on Theology, the body voted to “commend the Great Lakes Catechism on Marriage and Sexuality for reflection, study, and response by the Commission on Theology and RCA churches and classes as a means of deepening our understanding of the biblical teaching on human sexuality and finding a pathway forward toward unity in mission and ministry.” The seven-page “Great Lakes Catechism on Marriage Sexuality” can be downloaded at

March 10: Dr. Paolo Naso works with the Waldensian Church in Italy around issues of immigration and justice. He is also the coordinator of an interdenominational partnership called “Being Church Together” and is an RCA mission partner. You can learn more about Paolo’s ministry at and at Mediterranean Hope.

March 17: Housing Issues in Ottawa County – Ryan Kilpatrick, Executive Director of “Housing Next”, will offer his perspective on the challenges and opportunities for affordable housing in our community. Housing Next is a local organization that partners with public and private organizations to identify opportunities to increase the supply of housing at all price points and execute high quality projects. Kilpatrick has an extensive background in community planning, development finance, and public engagement.

March 24: Cultural Agility – Earl James works for the RCA as the Coordinator for African American/Black Council and Advocacy. The African American Black Council (AABC) of the Reformed Chuch in America exists to help the RCA face and address issues related to race and ethnicity. Earl equips RCA leaders and congregations in becoming more culturally agile.

March 31: Hope Church Disability Housing Task Force – the DHTF will present the background and progress it is making in addressing housing needs for adults with disabilities, responding to needs within and beyond our congregation. The DHTF has developed a vision which addresses these needs within the broader context of affordable housing, and the Consistory has affirmed the pursuit of this vision. Background materials for the March 31 presentation will be shared with the congregation in March in advance of the session.