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Adult Education
Sundays, 9:40–10:40 a.m.

May 3 -10: Lectionary-Based Bible Study ~ Library
Informed by insights from theologian James Alison and philosopher/literary critic René Girard, elder Curtis Gruenler will lead a discussion of lectionary texts.

May 10-17: Planning a Good Funeral ~ Commons I
Many of us have gone to enough funerals or celebrations of life to distinguish between the good and bad ones. What makes for a good funeral?

  • May 10: Judy Parr will put forth for discussion some highlights from The Good Funeral: Death, Grief, and the Community of Care, a book co-authored by Thomas Long (a preacher) and Thomas Lynch (a funeral director).
  • May 17: Funeral Director Craig Kleinheksel of Dykstra Funeral Home will describe what happens when family members work with pastors and a funeral home when a loved one dies. What are the decisions to make? What would be the simplest kind of funeral? What would constitute a most extravagant funeral? What are the advantages of planning one’s own funeral? What are recent trends in funerals, memorial services, and committal services?
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