Sundays, 9:40-10:40 am

May 7 and May 14: Fierce and Faithful Women of the Bible
Tamar? Mrs. Potiphar? Rahab? Dinah? Jael? The Levite’s concubine? Lot’s wife and daughters? Jezebel? Delilah? These and other women do not appear in the lectionary in part because they are about sex, or violence, or sex AND violence! Lynn Japinga will discuss these stories using some of the art pieces inspired by them. Lynn Japinga’s most recent book, Preaching the Women of the Old Testament: Who They Were and Why They Matter, was published in February by Westminster John Knox Press and will be available for purchase at the welcome desk for a cost of $12.00.

May 21: General Synod Preview
On Sunday, May 21, Hope Church will preview the upcoming General Synod of the Reformed Church in America during its Sunday School hour, from 9:45-10:45 am in Commons I. The Synod itself will be held here in Holland at Hope College on June 8-13, 2017. During the preview session on May 21, we will explore major items that have been placed on the Synod’s agenda, as well as whatever “vibe” may be emerging about the Synod. A significant number of Hope Church members will be attending the Synod in a variety of roles, and some of them will be participating in this event. If you want to do some advanced reading for this session, you will be able to access a digital version of the General Synod’s agenda and other related materials at However our conversation will not presuppose that attendees have done any preparatory work. This is a difficult and complex time for the Reformed Church in America, with significant controversy and the threat of deep division, particularly over issues involving sexual ethics and LGBTQ inclusion. Last year’s attempts to impose conservative controls over gay marriage through the Constitution of the RCA failed to be ratified, and the next steps of both sides in this debate will be important to note. Come to find out how things are emerging for the upcoming Synod. Dr. Jim Brownson, Hope Church member and General Synod Professor, will lead the session.

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