Adult Education Classes: Sundays at 9:40 AM in Commons 1, masks required

October 17 and 24: The Kingdom Will Come Anyway

Bob Luidens, a Hope Church member since 2016 and a retired pastor in the RCA, recently published a personal memoir entitled The Kingdom Will Come Anyway—A Life in the Day of a Pastor. During the sessions, Bob intends to read aloud several select pieces from the memoir, inviting those in attendance to reflect together, in one large circle, on what those pieces may evoke in each of us. The pieces will primarily draw from various experiences Bob had while serving congregations in rural Kansas and upstate New York during his three and a half decades in pastoral ministry. (Those interested in securing their own copy of Bob’s memoir at cost, $10, can secure one at the welcome desk; cash or prepare a check for $10, payable to Hope Church.)

October 31: General Synod Review

General Synod Professor Jim Brownson will provide a review of the RCA’s General Synod meeting to be held October 14-19 in Tucson, Arizona. 

November 7, 14, 21: Earthkeeping and Character: Exploring a Christian Ecological Virtue Ethic Series

To properly care for our home planet, we can cultivate certain virtues in our homes, schools, churches, workplaces, neighborhoods, and cities. During this series, Steve Bouma-Prediger helps us explore the components of a Christian ecological virtue ethic: wonder and humility, self-control and wisdom, justice and love, courage and hope. 

November 7 – Session 1: Ecological Virtues We Need: Wonder, Humility, Self-control, Wisdom 

November 14 – Session 2: Ecological Virtues We Need: Justice, Love, Courage, Hope 

November 21 – Session 3: Cultivating Ecological Virtues in Everyday Life 

Optional reading: Earthkeeping and Character: Exploring a Christian Ecological Virtue Ethic by Steven Bouma-Prediger (ISBN 978-0801098840, Baker Academic) is available in both digital and paperback form on the Baker Academic website. It is also available at Hope College’s Geneva book store, Reader’s World, and

If you have questions and/or suggestions for adult education, please direct them to Jane Schuyler, chair.