October 7: Jim Wallis’s America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America
Judy Parr leads a discussion about Jim Wallis’s book on slavery, racism, civil rights, and social justice. Those attending class are encouraged—but not required—to read the book before class. Those wishing to purchase the book can do so via Amazon.com.

October 14: Wade Hoag’s Story of Overcoming Severe Injury
In 2015 lacrosse athlete Wade Hoag was enrolled to begin his studies at Hope College. While working at a summer construction job, installing a third-story window, the construction platform collapsed. Wade became paralyzed from the waist down. After six months in rehabilitation he joined the freshman class. Now finishing his studies at Hope with degrees in accounting and English, he works with the lacrosse team and has started two companies.

October 21–28: Christians and Politics
Fred L. Johnson III, associate professor of history at Hope College and host of the PBS series “Inventing America,” will present.

  • October 21: What factors led to today’s acrimonious political climate? How much influence did those factors exert in Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential victory? Two chaotic years later, why does Trump continue to maintain his base?
  • October 28: In addition to voting, what can or should Christians do to change the current political climate?
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